Man was created by God in His likeness to have the ability to fellowship with God not as an equal but as someone who had a will and could decide to love God back not just as a robot but a version of God which didn’t have Divine attributes but was dependant on God for everything including the life within. As the bible states the greatest person in the bible is the servant. Jesus came as servant and to illustrate this fact He washed the disciples feet, a task left for the slaves back in those times. When He (Jesus) created man , the man contained two people (2 spirits), man and woman, and out of the man He extracted the woman but He had to create a body for her, the woman a helpmate and an equal to him but different at the same time, this is the brilliance of God. The woman was a companion for the man and without the woman the man would feel lost as she made them essentially a whole being when they were together, the man the strength and the woman the sensitivity, kinda like twins in a sense. This is best illustrated when a couple are married for some time and one dies there is a tearing out from the person who is still alive as this couple in a sense had become one and the person remaining feels this loss. When Jesus was on earth He showed us how we should function as a person dependant on God. It was no accident that He used a woman (mary) to come into the world as a human but Divine person, Mary herself was not divine but a vessel God used and of course a very special person a woman.
Of course there are many great women in the bible that God used to minister from the ministry He gave them. In certain circumstances the man has authority over a woman, but essentially a woman is equal to a man in every way, i am talking about women submitted to God. God has place no limitations on woman they can do anything a man can do. Some men have tried to supress woman by saying that the 12 apostles were men.
Mary therefore took a pound of ointment of pure nard, very precious, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment.
Mary sister of Martha and brother of Lazarus, anointed Jesus with this expensive perfume, she seemed to be the only person that realised that Jesus was going to die through crucifixation. She also realised who Jesus realy was, the Son Of God dying for our sins, A great form of worship where she honored Him and some of the disciples complained about it.
Woman at the well
Woman with the issue of blood
non-jewish woman at the pagan centre.
Jesus’s mother at the crucifixation