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For Jesus set aside His Glory in Heaven and for the joy (that’s us) set before Him, endured the shame of the cross.

As humans we live our lives on this earth, and to alot of people this is it, when they die that is the finish. I pray if you believe that that God would open your eyes and open your heart to believe past that. The bible says that satan blinds the eyes of those who dont or dont want to know anything about God. I admit it is hard to believe past what we see. In the light of eternity this is a very short life and the battle in our fallen minds can be rebellious to God, in fact the book of Romans says that our minds are  against God, thats why as Christians  we have to renew the mind. We dont fully understand the Trinity of God that God is 3 but one, people try to explain it away with our natural minds and we end up getting it wrong. The muslims who dont believe in the true God, say that God doesn’t have a Son and even some christian organisations believe this. The Jews have always had a problem with this even though they brought us the scriptures, one of the most learned of his time Saul was on his way to kill more christians and Jesus intervenned and as they say he had a life changing epiphany where he met Jesus and it turned his life around where he was totally dedicated to the Gospel and wrote a lot of the new Testament (God inspired).

Jesus was God in human form, and HE was the only one who could deliver us from the sin that besets this world. He died an innocent and sinless man in Whom God placed all the sins of the world on Him, He died from the total rejection of man and God the Father. Jesus was probably the toughest Man ever, but the rejection He suffered was immense and a broken fellowship with His Father (temporary however). When He died He went to paradise to tell the good news to the Old testament saints and get them saved ready for His resurrection, because death could not hold a sinless Man.

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